During the 2024 edition of Art Basel Paris, we present a panoramic look at the great “ISMS” from the 1910s to the 1930s, at the diversity of avant-garde trends tending towards abstraction: Cubism (Léopold Survage) and the movements that sought to free themselves from it: Cubo-Futurism (Vladimir Baranoff-Rossiné), Orphism (Robert Delaunay), Simultaneism (Sonia Delaunay), Purism (Serge Charchoune), up to Biomorphism (Ervand Kotchar) and Surrealism (Max Ernst, Joan Miró, Oscar Dominguez) which counterbalance, in a way, the arrival of geometric abstraction, represented – itself – by the flagship work of our exhibition, namely the oil painting Alternances (1935) by Frantisek Kupka.